Sunday, February 6, 2011

First blog of blogs

Hi there. Lindsey thinks I need a creative outlet and has been wanting me to start a blog for a long...long time. I've been posting mental blog posts for quite some time. They have been good. They have been funny. They have been spectacular.
So what does a 30 year old, father of 3, Utalifornewjersian, have to say that warrants a blog of my own you might ask? Nothing really...but I can promise you some dorky jokes, some pictures of our attempts at home remodeling, and my insightful/profound/witty commentary (oh yeah, and humble) on pretty much everything from religion to politics to The Bachelor.


  1. You should know me well enough to know that you can count on me to laugh at every post.

  2. You need to find your text to Lindsey last Thanksgiving from the urgent care for your uti. Please tell me you archived it. That post would get lots of giggles.

  3. Thanks Sara. I knew I could count on you...

    Candace...unfortunately, the UTI texts died along with Lindsey's iPhone on Thanksgiving when Bennett decided her phone wanted a nice, icey bath in some diet coke. RIP iPhone.

  4. Ha, you really are going to do Bachelor posts! Sa-weet.

  5. I'm in! I love your corny jokes! AND the Bachelor!
