There are two things that you must understand before I start this post. number 1: I watch The Bachelor with my wife and I'm not ashamed to admit it. For all you that have husbands who sheepishly sit beside you and claim that you are forcing them to watch it, you would do well to implement my next point in your house... Number 2: Lindsey and I have a rule when watching the Bachelor which is, stated plainly, "You have permission to be shallow."
One night a week, for 2 hours, I and anyone watching with me, have permission to be completely and utterly shallow. I can say what I want, about who I want, and can say it out loud. Nothing is off limits. Nothing. There are no lingering consequences or judgments like “Ty’s a jerk or Lindsey’s catty.” Sound worldly? It most definitely is.
Last season, Lindsey's mom was in town and she and I watched Bachelor together while Lindsey was gone somewhere. I paused the DVR before commencing the debauchery and kindly informed her of our rule before proceeding. No exceptions; even for mother’s in law. Confident you might say? Yeah, that or just stupidity on my part, but nevertheless, the rule is like a commandment in this house and may as well be etched in a stone tablet. It applies to all that cross the threshold. I must admit, most of the time I’m shaking my head in disbelief at the premise of the show and I usually end up fueling my theory that the show has a wild card and gets to pick one girl to continue on in the "journey" at least until the final four.
So who will Brad pick to be his tabloid buddy and quick possibly wife to be ("until boredom or scandal do we part")? I know, I know, the show has about a 10% success rate so there is no reason to be pessimistic about the outcome… “Remember [so and so] from [blah blah blah] season? They are still together and even have kids.” I think I must have heard that line 100 times. I digress. Truth be known, I don't really care who “wins”. It is the chase that’s fun.
My observations about the show in general:
- Matching ego against ego and then putting “love” on the line = good TV.
- An interesting twist on the show would be to put a normal guy, perhaps a little on the ugly side, on the show that doesn't spend 8 hours a day doing sit ups and another 3 staring at himself in the miror. Wouldn't it be fun to watch the crazies pretend to like that guy?
- Do you shake your head with me when people get so excited about being picked up in a helicopter? The shock should really come when a helicopter doesn’t show up to whisk them away. “Oh my word Brad, you are picking me up in a car! You are so creative!”
- Shamelessly, almost every date begins or ends in a swimming pool. That is when the real or fake personalities come out…
- Could Utah girl be any more crazy? The producers couldn’t script that kind of drama into the show if they tried…or could they? In case you haven’t guessed. Money is, in my opinion, the wild card pick that the producers get to keep in the journey…
- The guy has a therapist (frankly I’m beginning to wonder what type). Just when I thought the show couldn’t get any crazier, the producers found a guy and at least one girl that are truly crazy.
- Finally, the one line in the show that never changes by Mr. Chris Harrison, “Ladies, the final rose, Brad, when you are ready.” Does Chris think the desperate ladies in front of him have forgotten that there is only one rose left? Further, have we, the couch potatoes forgotten that there is one rose left? Chris, buddy, we have wasted 2 hours of our life or slightly less on DVR, but we have not become as dumb as rocks. We want, perhaps even more than the ladies in front of Mr. Womack, to get the flippin’ final rose past out so we can go to bed!
There you have it. My two cents.
I HATE that I know this, because it shows the sad state of my life....but Michelle Money is ACTUALLY, in fact, undebatably, an actress.
ReplyDeleteShe is in the next Mormon movie:
Hairdresser? Um, I don't think so.
Hired Bachelor Looney Tune/"Wildcard"?
Um, yes.
I love our Monday night dates! Tonight did not disappoint.
ReplyDeleteMr. Womack deserves a Mr. Wo-smack-down after the Swimsuit Issue photo shoot and the girl from SLC needs a little TLC after tonight...but just a little...something tells me she's been here and done that before...several times. Not exactly your model poster child for Utah and the fact that she is in a Mormon movie sickens me deeply...not so much because she's in it, but because there is another Mormon movie...Okay, I admit it, I've seen a few episodes. Is it so wrong that Shauntel (the human taxidermist) is my favorite even though I know she wont last? Shantel O is too emotional and Ashley H should have left long ago. Ahh, who are we kidding? We all know it is going to be Emily in the end, so let's all stop pretending. It's like watching Sesame Street - one of these things is not like the others. I like Emily, she is nice, it is just too bad that they'll quickly be a family of 5...Brad, Emily, Emily's daughter, Brad's therapist, and Chris's like 3 men and a little lady alla the 21st century. And is it just me?...or does Chris Harrison seem to pop out of the bushes or rise out of the floor on some of his entrances? The guy has the easiest job on the planet...Chris, if I had a rose, I'd give it to you for being the genius that you are continually getting ABC to pay you absurd amounts of money...wheelbarrows of say just a few sentences each episode. My hat is off to you my friend. No matter who Brad chooses in the end, it is you (and only you) that is the real winner out of all of this. -j
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed by your boldness. Derek is the husband that just happens to be in the room every time I'm watching. He has gotten kicked out before for being annoying though. I'm so over the swimming pool and can the girls be anymore emotional this season?! They came on the show knowing they were going to be sharing the same guy - get over it already.
ReplyDeleteMy password last time was "efein" :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to join you and Lindsey to witness your debauchery firsthand. I so wanted Michelle to get a hometown--I would have loved to see her parents. And to see what they did on a date in SLC. I am also so tired of the helicopters and pool parties. I am praying that one day a bachelor will show up with Trivial Pursuit and a bag of Oreos and that will be the date. I once heard Chris Harrison admit that the "ladies, Brad, this is the last rose" line is the dumbest thing ever, but he said, "I have the world's greatest job so I'll say whatever they tell me to say." So funny about not knowing what kind of therapist that was--seriously!
ReplyDeleteI, too, love "this is the last rose"! You should read Michelle's exit interview she gave in one of the magazines. She said the reason she didn't take off her top for the SI photo shoot was because she was raised a Mormon & she has morals & didn't feel comfortable doing it. ????? This coming from a girl who admits having an affair w/ Carlos Boozer?? I read the interview on ~ it was really interesting. She didn't know she was a villain??? I wish Dan wanted more drama in his life & would watch it w/ me. I miss watching it w/ you guys. We could really have fun ragging on everyone this year!
ReplyDeleteThat show sucks, but is still entertaining. I like to play "words said on the bachelor" bingo when I watch with Jenny. Listen for "amazing," or "falling for him/her," or "journey." BINGO!